Place a maximum value on your activities : Website building services

Illustration webmaster

We propose a wide array of services and appraisals from the beginning of building your website and onward. Depending on your projects ( modifying, evolution, specifics of your activity, etc...), all of the following items are not necessarily required. We invite you to browse through the three options for creating your website:

The creation of your website must be done with method taking into account all the imperatives required and your competition. Your future site must meet several essential qualities that we will put in place for you.

  • Get the most out of your website preparation

    • Choice of a domain name : An essential element to your presence on the web. What strategy should you develop in choosing your domain name ? Should you place key words in the name of your domain, which ones ? How ? etc... If you do not yet have your own domain name, we will help you choose by making and comparing different integral propositions, especially factors tied to Search Engine Optimization. We suggest different examples of word endings possible for your domain (.com .net .fr .de .ch etc...), depending on their availability and possible domains or brands with already similar names.
    • Advice when choosing a host and the type of host for your website : will you need a database ? What size ? How much disk space will your future website require ? etc... We propose a host and type of host that best corresponds to your future website.
    • We offer you a comparative study of your competitors presence on internet in order to make your website more efficient, especially when concerning Search Engine Optimization.
    • Advice and the choice of architecture for your website : we propose developing a management strategy of the contents of your website so that it may be orientated towards your future client's needs. Good ergonomics are a way of guaranteeing your future internet user's fidelity, notably owing to a fluid and logical internal navigation of your website.
    • Choice and implementation of a visual identity : logo, banner or choice of preestablished and personalized graphics (template CMS).

    Illustration creation site internte

  • For maximun efficency : optimize the foundation and the form of your website

    • Multi-support adaptation : your website needs to be adapted the best way possible to different existing digital formats : office wide screen, portable computer, smartphone (Iphone, Samsung Galazy, etc...) or even a touchpad (Ipad, Arcos, etc...).
    • Multi-navigation adaptation : your internet user treats different internet browsers, the most well known being Internet Explorer and Firefox, we optimize your website so that it may be the most multi-compatible.
    • Website accessibility : we strive in creating the most accessible websites, notably for the visually impaired, thanks to the most possible consistent syntax recommended by the World Wide Consortium (W3C).
    • Implementation of a page for locating, such as Google maps, allows internet users to find you and an itinerary that will lead them to you.
    • Quick loading (weight of website) : Our website building service strives in proposing to you light websites so that your internet users will not leave the website before it even has the chance to be displayed.
    • Website illustrations (photos, videos, virtual tours, high definition photos with possiblity of zooming in) : illustration on the internet is, along with Search Engine Optimization, one of our principal priorities. The fact that an image is worth a long speech, we propose illustrating your website with the help of photos, virtual tours 360°/360° in high resolution, short film videos or even high definition photos with a possibility of zooming in.
    • Implementation of social network pages (viral marketing) connected to the website : because more and more internet users ( your potential clients) are active and social network members, we propose to create in parallel with your website, pages of social networks (facebook, twitter...) that will allow you to keep this link (network) with your clients or potential clients.
    • Evolving website according to contents : we propose websites in which the evolving contents are easy to change. Should it be for simple websites or more complicated websites with database (Joomla or other), changing certain parts ( menu, lower left or right part ) of all the website pages can be done easily.
    • Evolving structure and appearance of website : Because the internet world et graphical styles evolve extremely quickly, we create websites in which the appearance can be modified separately from the foundation thanks to the CSS language and/or the CMS templates (Joomla). This enables you to be able to change the look of your website quite easily without having to entirely redo it.
    • Optimization of website for Search Engine Optimization : a website, outside of being a kind of business card, or sample of your business activity, should also lead you to new potential clients : your website has, therefore, optimized its goal. We will develop together a full strategy, built through Search Engine Optimization and positionning in the principal search engines. Check out the Search Engine Optimization section for more precise details concerning this subject.
    • Implementation of a personalised email address, for example,
  • Follow-up and evolve your website

    • Backup of website for restoration : we set up on your website backup solutions of its contents in order to be able to restore the website in case of need.
    • We offer to handle your website so that you may be able to carry out on your own updates, such as evolving fees or services, on-line special offers or particular events.
    • Implementation of standby tools on internet in order to follow-up on your e-reputation and/or follow-up on the developement of your marketing on the web.
    • Possibility in setting up one or several foreign language versions of your website (notably in French, Italian, Spanich...).
    • Implementation of statistical tools : we install statistical tools onto your website in order to be able to study the behavior of your website visitors and to keep this in mind for the website's upgrading.

    Illustration creation site internte

Customer centricity

One of the central axes of our approach is called the customer centrality (or UX as user experience centrality).

Faced with the exponential multiplication on the web, of the number of your competitors, it seems essential to us, whatever the quality of your products or services, to place your customers (or users) at the center of your digital actions.
It is also essential to meet their needs and aspirations in order to better promote your products and services.

This does not improvise and covers many aspects and approaches that we propose to develop for you and with you ...

Un des axes centraux de notre démarche s’appelle la centralité client (UX comme user experience).

customer centric

Realization, consultant, consultant :

  • Realization: according to your needs it is possible for us to offer you either general or partial services: website creation, web illustrations, actions of community manager.
  • Assistance: it is also possible, according to your projects and needs, to carry out the tasks of project manager by subcontracting part of the achievements (selection, coordination and control of the project management), as well as assistance to master (AMO).
  • Advice: We also offer consulting services. In a digital universe that is always very evolutive and often very technical, we put your current actions on the web into perspective with regard to competition and the latest trends. We carry out reports and summaries of proposals for actions and projects, correction and adaptation of the existing enabling your development.
